Wednesday, February 21, 2018

TRP: S4, Ep. 7 - Modern Musts: YTPB - Can it be stopped?

Join hosts Isaac and Stuart as they dig into how you can try to slow down and stop the SR Yuan-ti Purebood! Before the main topic of the week the team discusses the potential move to an LCG model for Dice Masters, WKO news, the lack recent rulings and how it can effect your WKO preparation, and much more!

1:35 Opening Question
7:37 GwS Site Update
9:08 WKRF Rules Update
13:56 WizKids DM LCG Update
25:20 WKO Update
27:30 Modern Musts: YTBP Stops
49:35 Final Thoughts

Twitter @TheReservePool

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The Reserve Pool Podcast: S4, Ep. 6 - Modern Musts: Can't Cards

Join hosts Isaac and Randy as they dig into the next round of our Modern Musts Series, Can't Cards, along with a GwS update and general DM News!

1:40 Opening Question
4:35 GwS Site Update
10:50 Modern Musts: Can't Cards
44:58 Final Thoughts

Twitter @TheReservePool